Happy faces all around this Children's Day weekend! Here's a taste of the fun we had...
Anyone who was on our mailing list or who signed up on the spot to join scored a little Bonus Gift to brighten their day. Inside a little brown paper package, we'd wrapped up cheerful washable stamps, just nice for siblings to share.
One of our big Children's Day events was the Make with Uncle Mike: Puppet-Making Camp! Once in a while, customers will ask if we have any art sessions for slightly older children than the 4 - 6 year old category we usually design programmes for. This time we could readily say: YES! Since the Make with Uncle Mike Camp spanned the whole day, the kids who came for our camp were able to take their time and create something intricate, unique, and completely imbued with the choices that they had made by themselves.
From a morning spent designing their very own special characters, each kid came up with ideas and imaginative thoughts that came straight from the heart. This meant that the puppets that they began to craft after their design work was truly filled with their own feelings and ambitions. The stop-motion video that every puppet came together to star in was the cherry on top of the day's fun!
If you're looking for another full-day camp for your child during the upcoming PSLE marking dates, we are running the Mandarin Picture Book Camp with Auntie Shannon again! Sign up at tinyurl.com/WITBMandarinCampOct19
Our other big Children's Day event was the Body Safety Workshop: Say No, Walk Out, Tell a Trusted Adult led by the Singapore Children's Society and meant for kids aged 4 - 6. We feel very strongly about equipping kids with the information to keep themselves safe as they discover more about the world around us, and this Body Safety Workshop covers essential information about body safety in an age-appropriate way that helps parents to begin the conversation with their little ones. Kids brought home stickers and worksheets designed to help them retain what they learned over the two hours. We hope everyone who came, parents and kids alike, walked away feeling fulfilled in attending this workshop.
All in, we had a wonderful Children's Day weekend, and we hope you did too!