Q: What's the difference between a library and a bookshop?
A: At the library you can borrow the books for a little while. At the bookshop you can borrow the books forever!
Q: What do you think bookshop owners do in a bookshop?
A: Sell books!
A: Collect books!
A: Take care of the books!
We recently hosted a class of kindergarteners who came to find out all about picture book art techniques, and we loved all their answers to the questions we threw at them during the session. Before they began working on their own Very Hungry Caterpillar masterpieces, we gave them a little tour of the bookshop and our art director's studio, and introduced them to the many many different types of picture books out in the wild!
If you'd like to know more about our National Arts Council - Arts Education Programme (NAC-AEP), drop us an email!