Dive into the world of Chinese picture books and explore as you read, make, and create in this 2-day camp! Discover your enthusiasm for Mandarin through games and art activities designed to encourage active interaction.
- Cosy group setting for better interaction
- Picture book story and art making
- Immersive group play and discussion
- Improves Chinese word recognition
- Builds confidence in Mandarin speech and creative expression
Who: Ages 7+ to 9
- 25 - 26 November, 9.00AM to 5.00PM (Registration closes on 22 November)
- 9 - 10 December, 9.00AM to 5.00PM (Registration closes on 6 December)
- 16 - 17 December, 9.00AM to 5.00PM (Registration closes on 13 December)
Where: Woods in the Books, 3 Yong Siak Street
Fees: $240/Child (Limited seats available, lunch and snacks provided.) tinyurl.com/WitBHolidayCamps19
10% off for Return Campers!
This event will only go forward with minimum number of participants.
Note: As lunch and tea will be provided, please let us know if your child has any dietary requirements.
About the Facilitators:
Auntie Shannon: A bookseller with over 10 years’ experience under her belt, Shannon is the co-founder of Woods in the Books. In addition to running Woods in the Books, Shannon leads the Chinese edition of StoryTime in the Woods, a Mandarin-based story reading and interaction programme designed to encourage parents and children to read together and cultivate positive attitudes towards Chinese learning.
Uncle Mike: The co-founder and art director of Woods in the Books, Mike is an illustrator and designer by trade. Since 2013, Mike has piloted a variety of children’s arts programmes for Woods in the Books and run art workshops for clients including Fendi and Kids 21.
Woods in the Books 11月和12月绘本故事艺术营
由Woods in the Books 创始人带领小朋友进入华文绘本世界,邀请爱阅读爱故事的小朋友,一起探索绘本世界的图与文。
地点:Woods in the Books (3 Yong Siak Street, Singapore 168642)
费用: $240 (包括材料,午餐和茶点)
热爱阅读、学习和绘本艺术,大学唸中文专业。先是Woods in the Books 创始人/店员/店长/采购/清洁工/……意外当上妈后,深深领会生儿难,教养更难,持续努力中。Shannon不定期办亲子绘本故事活动,希望鼓励大小朋友别怕学华文,也希望传播爱阅读、爱学习的乐趣。
Uncle Mike
Woods in the Books 创始人,驻店插画师/手作达人。10余年来,无限创意加上一双巧手,打造了Woods in the Books独家童趣世界。游走在个人创作和委托项目之余,也不定期为小朋友办绘画和手作班。