For the third July in a row, Yong Siak Street bloomed to life with balloons, bunting, and happy little ones who set out to conquer the Children's Street Trail. Every year, we cross our fingers and our toes for good weather, and this year clearly all that digit-crossing paid off!
At our registration booth for the Children's Street Trail activities outside, trailgoers must have felt bad for our elves, because we had more than one person sympathetically say, "It must be very hot for you!" But thankfully our outdoor elves were equipped with our very stylish DIY ladybird sun visors to beat the blazing sun!
The Children's Street Trail is a community effort by the shops on Yong Siak Street to create a great day out for our younger members of the public. Woods in the Books has been a part of the Children's Street Trail from the very beginning, when we helped to create the chalk trail drawings that you'll still see if you come to Yong Siak Street today! Every year we try to make our programmes better than the year before and this year marked some of our most ambitious Street Trail activities yet.
For the very first time, we wanted to try a water play game! When we sat down to plan it all out this year, we thought back to the fun we had in childhood when we played our own fishing games. Whether it was the mystery prize draw or the refreshing popsicles that drew flocking crowds to Fishpond Catch and Count, the happy faces of the kids who came play were exactly what we had hoped to see! Our Fishpond fish, made out of recycled corks and plastic, were custom-designed by our resident artist! Each one of our 400+ fish was hand-painted and every tail was tied on by hand in the weeks leading up to the Children's Street Trail, so the entire enterprise was a true labour of love by the elves of the Woods. (We did hear that some of the people who came to the game expected live fish! While that might have been fun for the kids, it might have been a lot less fun for the fish.)
Meanwhile, our Little Treehugger Game and Toymaking got an upgrade from the Treehugger Crafty Corner that we ran the year before! Little Treehugger has always been about upcycling, the practice of taking used materials and turning them into something new. It's a cause that is very near and dear to our hearts. This year, we combined Little Treehugger with our Little EcoHero: Lost Oceans to make an upcycled toy as well as demonstrate the impact of plastic litter in the ocean!
We hope everyone who came discovered something new in addition to the fun we had colouring ocean creatures, making blower toys, and throwing our giant die! Little EcoHero: Lost Oceans is currently still running, and if you're interested in attending, you can find more information and tickets on our Peatix page. And if you'd like to see some of the fun of the Children's Street Trail that we managed to capture, we've got an album up on Facebook. See you again next Children's Street Trail, where we'll have even more exciting things planned for you... And if you can, help us by keeping your fingers and toes crossed for good weather in 2019!