Little EcoHero continues! Sign up for your slot at our Peatix page!
Let’s clean the ocean or there will soon be more rubbish than fish in the sea! Race against time to help the ocean recover from pollution and draw the fish back into the seas! Come for StoryTime and play the Little EcoHero Game to learn all about how you can reduce rubbish around you. Are you ready to clean up the ocean? Ready, get set, go!
The Woods in the Books elves want to inspire and empower mighty little ones to save the seas! With hands-on activities, art installations, and a take-home pledge, we want little readers to discover how they can use their own two hands to protect the environment. By starting young, we hope to help nurture a generation who will look after their own green planet.
Who: Ages 4 and up!
When: 11AM – 12.30PM, Saturday 18, 25 August
Where: Woods in the Books, 3 Yong Siak Street, Tiong Bahru
Fees: $15* for 1 parent-child pair
Group booking available on weekdays, please contact sayhello@woodsinthebooks.sg for further details!
*Inclusive of $5 same-day store credit for book purchases only.