Woods in the Books Blog — Books

Elf Reads: The Cherry Tree Farm Story Collection
There's something special about each and every book at Woods in the Books, but in our new blog feature, Elf Reads, our bookshop elves want to let you know what they love about the books on our shelves. Today we're starting with Enid Blyton's The Cherry Tree Farm Story Collection. About this book: Start reading these stories, and you'll start to wish you could live on a farm... Benjy, Penny, Rory and Sheila are staying with their aunt and uncle at Cherry Tree Farm. They feed the animals, explore the countryside and search for the mysterious man who lives in the woods -- and...

The BFG Dream Jar Contest
Calling dreamers big and small… Dream a little Dream Jar with us... We need YOU to help us find Dream Jars for THE BFG DREAM JAR CONTEST. In honour of The BFG’s arrival, Woods in the Books and Books Ahoy! are looking for dream jars filled with dreams, from golden phizzwizards to trogglehumpers and everything in between! Make and bring your Dream Jar to Woods in the Books or Books Ahoy! and we’ll give you a Golden Ticket for your Dream Jar. (Remember to use recycled materials and keep things eco-friendly!) The Golden Ticket will give you 20% off your...

New Arrival : What makes our world a little more awesome?
An Awesome Book! by Dallas Clayton of Magic watermelon boats and Musical baboons... "Close your eyes my child and DREAM that perfect Dream inside your head" "My name is Dallas Clayton. I wrote a book for my son about the idea of dreaming big and never giving up. I put it online and my whole life changed forever. Because of this I started a Foundation to give away one book for every copy of An Awesome Book I sell. Now I write children's books for a living, travel the world reading to kids, and spend my days having magical...
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